Ciudad Perdida or Teyuna is located at the base of Pico Bolívar and Pico Colón within the national park and is surrounded by exuberant nature, a perfect habitat for various bird species. Ciudad Perdida was the most important urban center of the ancient Tayrona culture. The city, a true feat of engineering, was built on a system of terraces connected by stone paths and supported by a canal circuit. At the time, the population was of between 1.400 and 3.000 who lived in circular stone houses with thatched roofs on about 250 terraces. Today’s inhabitants, such as the Kogui, Arhuaca and Wiwa, are descendants of the Tayrona and continue to preserve their traditions.

DAY 1  |  Santa Marta – Mamey Region

Departure from Santa Marta or Tayrona Park in a 4X4 jeep to Machete Pelao. Hike in the Mamey Region with mules to carry the bags. Lunch in a peasant farm in the Vereda of Honduras. Hike to the first Wiwa Indigenous camp on the shores of Buritaca River. Dinner and accommodation in hammock in the Indigenous camp.

MEALS: – / L / D

DAY 2  |  Mutanyi  – Buritaca River

Hike in the valley of Buritaca stopping by the Kogui Village of Mutanyi and the Vereda of Koskunguena with a beautiful panorama over the Sierra Nevada. Crossing of the Buritaca River up to the farm of a Mamo Kogui’s (spiritual head). Lunch, swimming in Buritaca River and a beautiful waterfall. Dinner and accommodation in hammocks in the Mamo Kogui’s farm.

MEALS: B / L / D

DAY 3  |  Ciudad Perdida Archaeological Park 

Hiking to the entrance of the Lost City and climbing of the 2000 steps of a stone stairs to arrive to the archaeological site. 

This spectacular city was built by the Tayrona between 500 and 1.700 A.C. The Ciudad Perdida is considered the nucleus of the Tayrona culture: it probably was the capital of the region. On the banks of the Buritaca river, it extends for 2 km2 between 800 and 1.300 meters above sea level, in the foothill of Cerro Correa. The central part consists of a stairway that starts in the river bank and reaches the mountain top branching out to the left and the right towards the numerous terraces and platforms that served to build ceremonial centres, houses and storage. The site has been submitted for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Visit of the site, its numerous terraces, ceremonial centres in the middle of the jungle. Lunch on the shores of a waterfall with miraculous properties according to the legend. Return to previous day camp. Dinner and accommodation in hammock in the farm.

MEALS: B / L / D

DAY 4  | Mamey Region

Hiking in the Sierra Nevada and return to the Mamey Region. Lunch near Mutanyi. Dinner and accommodation in hammock in the Indigenous camp.

MEALS: B / L / D

DAY 5  |  Santa Marta o Parque Tayrona

Four-hour trek t to the village of Machete Pelao visiting a magnificent waterfall on the route. Lunch and return to Santa Marta or the Tayrona Park.

MEALS: B / L / –


Approximate trekking hours and kilometres: 

Day 1: El Mamey-Camp 1: 4 Hours: 6.8Km

Day 2: Camp 1-Camp 3: 8 Hours 14.7 Km

Day 3: Camp 3-Lost City-Camp 2: 7 Hours 6 Km

Day 4: Camp 2- Camp 1: 4 Hours 9.7Km

Day 5: Camp 1- El Mamey: 4 Hours 6.8 Km