During this adventure, you will be able to visit indigenous communities and discover magnificent landscapes. By taking part in this in this trip, you promote social enterprise, not dependant on extractive mining. Approximately 17 local people benefit from every tour.

DAY 1 | Riohacha – Cabo de La Vela

Arrival to Riohacha airport. Lunch at Parakaa restaurant where the trip instructions will be given and immediate departure for Cabo de La Vela. On the way you pass through Uribia, the indigenous capital of Colombia, where you will have an explanation of the place and visit the artisan center where you can admire the patient weaving of beautiful hammocks and bags. The trip continues on a dirt road that runs parallel to the railway used by the trains that transport coal from the mine to the port of Bolívar where it is exported on cargo ships. Beyond the railway, the road goes into the desert sporadically interrupted by cacti and Wayuu housing. Arrival to Cabo de La Vela.  Visit to the Sacred Hill of the Wayúu Community, the Kamaichi Hill, the Golden Beach and enjoy the sunset at El Faro del Cabo. Check-in to a rustic but well-kept accommodation.

Cabo de La Vela is considered by the Wayuu religion as the road where the souls of the dead begin their journey into the unknown.

MEALS: – / L / D

DAY 2 | Nazareth

Departure from Cabo de La Vela towards Alta Guajira, direct to Nazareth. Take an unpaved road through San Martin, Puerto Nuevo, Bahía Portete and stop in Pusheo. Lunch. Tour around the Guajiro desert towards Nazareth to visit the Makuira National Natural Park. Four-hour walk to the dune, two one-way and two return to the dune. Entrance to the Médano de Aleiwolu. Finally, dinner, dance activities with children in Ranchería and visit the craft center. Overnight stay in Nazareth in a hostel with swimming pool.

MEALS: B / L / D

DAY 3 | Punta Gallinas

After breakfast, journey towards Punta Gallinas, the northernmost point of South America. From Cabo de La Vela onwards, one must forget conventional roads and use the hidden paths that only local inhabitants manage to recognize. You will see inhospitable nature and run into herds of goats owned by local herdsmen or find solitary walkers who seem to appear from out of nowhere. Upon arrival, you will enjoy a tour through the dunes of Taroa, which could easily transport you to the Sahara, and get to know the lighthouse that is located further north of South America. Lunch is taken at Alexandra or Luz Mila Lodging. After lunch, afternoon of weaving with artisan women in Bahía Hondita, boat ride to visit the islets, possible sighting of flamingos according to season and sunset at Punta Aguja. Possibility of releasing sea turtles from Mato. Overnight stay in a bed or a hammock, depending on your preference.

Punta Gallinas, the northernmost area of the peninsula, where the magic of the wind, the solitude and the color of the sea are hypnotic, offering impressive starry nights that keeps us company in our sleep.

MEALS: B / L / D

DAY 4 | Manaure and Mayapo – Riohacha

After breakfast, departure to the salt marshes of Manaure, enormous salt pools whose tonalities change from white to deep purple. The strong sun and wind generate evaporation that leaves long white stretches which, through the manual work of the Wayuu community, turn into shiny white hills. Afternoon in the Wualapuinje Rancheria with the Wayuu indigenous community, lunch at the Mayapo beaches and sunset at Mayapo. Return to Riohacha.

MEALS: B / L / –