During the colonial era Popayán was a commercial center run by several creole families involved in cattle farming and who owned enormous estates known as Haciendas. Some of these Haciendas were used as reservations, others for slaves, but overall, they were places which inspired painters and scribes.

On your tour, you will visit two colonial Haciendas located on the outskirts of Popayán. The first Hacienda is the Antón Moreno farm which was built in 1760 by Don Marcelino Mosquera y Figueroa and it is still working today. Here you will see the pine trees, cypress trees and eucalyptus are grown for papermaking in addition to the ubiquitous cattle farming here. Although the house has been modified over time, you can appreciate its original architecture. The second destination on this tour is to the Calibío Hacienda – meaning white river in local dialects – which is one of the few surviving estates dating back to the late 18th century. The Cabilío Hacienda was completed in 1793 and remains true to its original architecture. This is the site of major historical events including the battle of Calibío in January 1814 when Antonio Nariño was leading the independence movement of the territory from Spain. The great liberator of northern South America, Simon Bolívar also spent the night here on October 30, 1826. To finish the tour, you will enjoy some local delicacies including the famous and delicious “empanaditas de pipian”. Return to your hotel. 

DURATION: Approximately four hours.

SCHEDULE: To be arranged.

GUIDE: Private bilingual guide.