The visit will start walking among the antiquated streets through the main sights of this town, where it is possible to appreciate and study the colonial architecture, unique due to its blend of mudéjar and baroque styles. 

The Calle Real del Medio stands out with its whitewashed walls and stately homes behind imposing wooden doors with latches and knockers all of varying styles and the finely carved wooden balconies that spill over with the flowering bougainvillea. The scenic Calle de la Albarrada runs alongside the river. It is recommended to visit the six colonial churches in town, the most striking of which is the Iglesia Santa Barbara in front of a plaza by the same name and beside the river. Constructed in 1630 contrasts with its yellow and white paintwork and is unique in Colombia in that it has an octagonal Moorish and baroque bell-tower with balconies at the top. The Iglesia San Agustin houses the ornate golden Santo Sepulcro which is carried through the streets on the shoulders of the Nazarene Pilgrims during the Semana Santa processions. The other churches are the San Francisco, the Santo Domingo, the San Juan del Dios and La Concepcion.  

Continuing to the Cementerio Central, perhaps the most interesting and atmospheric place to visit. Here it becomes clear that the old tales from Mompox are still very much alive. The white tombs are lined up one above the other and form walls of memories around a central chapel. Strolling here in the hours of dusk pass locals seated calmly in front of their homes enjoying the breeze in their rocking chairs.   

Then, experience of such beauty frozen in time, visit the filigree workshops and observe how craftsmen make such intricate jewellery from threads of silver and gold, a tradition in Mompox that is passed down from generation to generation and is world famous. 

DURATION: 4 hours.