San Juan de Pasto is known as the “Surprise City of Colombia” and is famous for its imposing religious architecture from colonial and republican times, and is home to important artists and craftsmen. In the morning, visit a workshop of craftsmen of carved wooden utensils covered with a resin obtained from the fruit of a bush of the Andean forest, called Mopa-Mopa; who use a technique, unique in the world, which owes its origin to the indigenous people of the region and dates to the pre-Hispanic period, known as Barniz de Pasto. Learn about this millennial technique from the hand of an expert craftsman who will share all his ancestral knowledge with you.

Continue to visit the Carnival Museum, a colorful and picturesque permanent exhibition space of the Carnival of Blacks and Whites, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009. This carnival is celebrated every year in early January and the museum counts its history, in its murals you will be able to see the activities that take place in this carnival, like its comparsas and the carnavalito (mini carnival), and to appreciate giant figures allusive to the carnival and an allegorical float that dominates the center of the greater room.

After lunch, departure to Ipiales. During a 2-hour route, you will be able to appreciate a beautiful and typical landscape of the Nariño Andean area known as “Tapiz de retazos” (the patchwork of tapestry) or “the green of all colors”. 7 km from Ipiales is the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora of Las Lajas with a height of 2,612 meters above sea level, a jewel of architecture and religiosity of the country. It is classified as the second wonder of Colombia and in 2015 the British newspaper “The Telegraph” named it the most beautiful temple in the world. Descend by cable car to the Sanctuary, enter the museum and visit the church. In the evening, you can enjoy a show when the lights of the Sanctuary are lit. Walk up from the Sanctuary to the parking area and back to Pasto.

DURATION: 12 hours


NOTES: Includes lunch.