Located in the southwest of Colombia, the department of Nariño has an embarrassment of natural wealth, many micro climates, altitudes ranging from just a few meters above sea level to several thousand…


On December 5, 1995, through Ordinance No. 030 of the Departmental Assembly of La Guajira, the Municipality of Dibulla was established and Palomino became one of its 5 towns. Palomino is located in an…


The Colombian Pacific coast is a region where one rediscovers the bewitching nature of the sea, its pristine jungles, exotic beaches, fauna and flora, kind hospitality and rich cultural background har…


Santa Cruz de Mompox is a remote and hidden town where time has stood still and your senses race. This town that inspires tales of romance and nostalgia is situated on an island of the same name on th…


Medellín, the capital of the department of Antioquia, is located deep in the fertile and mountainous Aburrá valley in the central Andean highlands. It is at an altitude of 1538 MAMSL which gives this …


The Rosario and San Bernardo National Park is a Caribbean marine national park, some 45km to the southeast of the bay of Cartagena at approximately one hour away by boat. The average year-round temper…


The Guajira peninsula is the northern most point in Colombia and South America spanning an area of 20,848km2. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the North, Venezuela to the East and to the West an…


Founded in 1533 on an original indigenous Caribe settlement, the Spanish conquistador Don Pedro de Heredia founded the city of “Cartagena de Poniente” to distinguish it from “Cartagena de Levante” in …


The coffee zone is a geographical area that comprises of three Colombian departments: Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío; with their respective capital cities of Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. The departm…


Capurganá is a small town of Chocó, on the northwestern coast of the Gulf of Urabá, very near to Panama. This northwestern region of Colombia was inhabited by the Cuna indigenous tribe, for whom it wa…