Today you will visit the Nudo de los Pastos and the different towns which are located on the Galeras Volcano such as Yacuanquer, Consaca, Sandoná, La Florida, Nariño and Pasto. As this area can stake the claim to being the birthplace of the mountain ranges in the region, you will travel for one and a half hours over small plateaus, a tapestry of greens and other geographical curiosities. You will see local farmers with their horse and carts loaded up with sugar cane, coffee, corn or with fresh fruit. 

You will visit a coffee farm and a traditional trapiche of the region. A trapiche is a small factory where sugar cane juice is cooked up to produce panela. Here you can sample traditional products such as melcocha and guarapo, which come from the sugarcane. Lunch is prepared by a local family of the region and it is accompanied with some live local music

In the town of Sandoná, you will visit workshops which make paja toquilla woven hats, following a century old tradition that has survived thanks to the dedication of so many families. In the Basilica of Sandoná, you will see the biggest effigy of Jesus Christ carved from wood in South America (6.50 m).

DURATION: Eight hours

NOTES: The trapiches are open from Monday to Thursday.